When I see blue I feel happy and hungry.
When I see white I feel clean.
When I see green I feel very hungry.
When I see turquoise I feel relaxed.
When I see yellow I feel organic.
When I see orange I feel not hungry.
When I see red I feel happy.
Name: Zahara
when voir dire reveals that a juror is not qualified, able, or fit to serve in a particular case. Lawyers generally have an unlimited number of “for cause” challenges available.
The CORRECT answer is A. Governor
The National Guard was put in place under Title 32 Full-Time National Guard Duty. Title 32 activation can only be done by the President or SECDEF with the approval and consent of the state Governor. The National Guard is federally funded, but command and control remains with the State Governor through his Adjutant General.
Hopefully this helps!!
Let me know if you still need help or if you have any questions!
Wow i dont really know...........
As far as I know, the only way to remove a state judge is impeachment by the state legislature. Remember, this is as far as I know but I'm pretty sure it is correct.