the, be, to, of, and, a, in, that, have, I, it, for, not, on, with, he, as, you, do, at, this, but, his, by, from, they, we, say, her, she, or, an, will, my, one, all, would, there, their, what, so, up, out, if, about, who, get, which, go, me
<span>Her ability to guess what i am thinking about is nothing short of Uncanny</span>
Answer: 3 adjectives
Explanation: mangled, flat, and broken are all adjectives
Edgar Allan, 1809–49, U.S. poet, short-story writer, and critic
1. He Was a Literary Trailblazer
2. He Was Prolific
3. He Created a New Profession
4. He Was Likely Named After a Shakespearean Character
5. Poetry and the Pen Ran in the Poe Family