It was the destiny that Rebecca marry with Issac according to Issac's father Abraham, and God. Their physical connection was incredible, but their emotional part was too different between them. Something interesting is that they never talked about their feelings with each other and also about what they wanted in the relationship, this is kind of the same with Janie and Joe's interactions. This is compared with Isaac and Rebecca's relationship because Janie and Joe had a deep physical connection, but Joe didn't care about what Janie had to say and it was the same with Janie because she never attempted to share her feelings. This end up by closing themselves off foreshadowed a failed relationship.
Hope this helps.
The main idea is most tests on the people lead the crowd to follow each other.
- Dr. Gregory wants to know why people follow what others do and want to experiment. In the first experiment he rotated 3D objects to see if they were the same or different.
- The group wrote their answers but Tony followed them. Tony agreed with both the correct and wrong answers. In the second experiment, they were checked how they behaved in a restaurant.
- One person ate strangely. Dr. Gregory found that people who followed others had their visions interupted the brain did not concentrate in the thinking part.
Film is a universally understood language because, like reading, it brings the viewer to a new world. Throughout different genres of films you can find different forms of inspiration. A good musical will almost always make you want to sing. A touching romance will make you appreciate your partner more, or make you long for a true love of your own. A war movie can show you the brutalities of battle and show you the sacrifices people make for a cause. Horror movies make you afraid and teen culture shows, no matter how cheesy, always end up making you laugh. Film inspires because it connects to our emotions. Fear, love, sadness, anger, joy, sacrifice, and disgust. Emotions are felt by everyone, everywhere. That is how film connects us, through how we feel and that is how film is understood b everyone, everywhere.
Who is the author? If you can tell me I will find out