El dolor en la articulación metatarsofalángica se debe a cambios tisulares debidos a una biomecánica aberrante del pie. Los signos y síntomas incluyen dolor al caminar y dolor a la presión. El diagnóstico es clínico; sin embargo, deben realizarse estudios para excluir infecciones o enfermedades reumáticas sistémicas (como la artritis reumatoidea). El tratamiento incluye ortesis, a veces inyección local, y en ocasiones cirugía.
True. You can get vitamin A as "preformed vitamin A" which is already active and/or you can get vitamin A as carotenoids which the body can turn into active vitamin A.
There are two different types of vitamin A that can be obtained from food:
1. Preformed vitamin A, which is already active, is found in animal products such as beef, fish, poultry and dairy products.
2. Provitamin A, which is the inactive form, is found in plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables. The most common type of provitamin A is β-carotene, which is a carotenoid that the body can turn into active vitamin A via an enzyme named β-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase.
If you cut a flatworm in half, both halves can grow into a new individual by fission.
because you've never been able to
hey man sry if its wrong tbe question is almost weird to ask but yeah sry
It needs to hijack the cells genetic machinery to reproduce