Discretionary Access Control model
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) gives owners of a resource full control of objects/items they have created or been given access to, this also includes sharing the objects/items with other subjects. These owners have control over their data and maintain access through ACLs. The access-control list (ACL), is a list of permissions attached to an object in a computer file system.
The Owners can decide to grant other users access to their files, change their attributes, alter them, or delete them. DACs are discretionary because the owner can transfer information access to other users.
An interpreter is quite different from a complier due to the following statement below:
O. An interpreter translates and executes code line by line, while a compiler translates all code at once so that it is ready to be executed at any time.
For an interpreter, it works in translating and execution of the codes line after another line. In a situation where there is a mistake in the code, the next line would not be able to be executed, but rather display error message. On the other hand, compiler translate all codes at once and execute them as a single work.
<em>During its translation of the codes in compiler, should there be any error, it would not be able to execute despite the fact that, the error might be in the last line of the code.</em>
cloudware is used for many reasons and It is sometimes too much of an expense to the company
ok, no because this site is for hw
Image result for what is the name of the fields in an x.509 digital certificate that are used when the parties negotiate a secure connection?
Common applications of X. 509 certificates include SSL/TLS and HTTPS for authenticated and encrypted web browsing, signed and encrypted email via the S/MIME protocol, code signing, document signing, client authentication, and government-issued electronic ID.