In order for the student to be able to properly test the hypothesis, it will be needed that certain data is collected first. The student will have to take the most important things in consideration about the creosote bush, like would it be able to survive under shade (much limited sunlight), would it be able to sustain increased amount of moisture (the solar panels will keep some of the moisture below them), but also being exposed under high temperature. The conditions for the creosote bush will change significantly, so these three things will be of crucial importance to be tested, since it is a very specialized plant, and those types of plants usually react very badly on sudden changes.
True, because he was the one that created the printing press in 1440.The printing press also brought down the price of printed materials and made such materials available for the masses.
Explanation:16th century by Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese
I’m pretty sure the answer is D :)
Class system is the distribution of scarce resources and rewards that is determined on the basis of achieved status.