It means that nothing written in the constitution can be used to cancel amendments to it.
Correct answer is d. The Senate must ratify treaties with a 2/3 majority.
Only option D is correct, because according to Constitution senate is approving treaties signed by executive branch with at least two thirds of votes. The last rejected treaty was Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which didn't had 2/3 majority, as 61 senators vote for and 38 against it.
The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the one that establishes rights that are related to criminal prosecutions. This amendment belongs to the Bill of Rights proposed by James Madison.
One of the central ideas of the amendment is that individual freedoms are protected in more ways than those contained in the Constitution and in amendments I-V. For example, the amendment promises the right to a speedy and public trial for the accused. It also mandates an impartial jury of the State and an Assistance of Counsel for the defence of the accused. All of these factors contribute to making trials fairer and more just. They also extend individual rights beyond those previously mentioned in the Bill of Rights.
If memory serves me correctly it should be B....hope that helps
I’m sorry I’m very tried but I can tell you if you look up “New right 1980’s achievements” your answer should be there (: