The famous accomplishment of the Persian Empire during its most powerful emperor Darius is the enormous expansion of the empire and the mode of rule and the advanced bureaucracy of that time. Namely, the Darius Empire encompassed most of Western Asia, the Northern Caucasus, parts of the Balkans, most of the Black Sea, the Indus Valley, parts of North Africa, including Egypt, East Syria.
He improved the rule by introducing an official Aramaic language at the level of the government, introduced the unitary monetary system, as well as the introduction of Satraps. The Satraps were the provincial governors elected from these areas, who best understood the habits and customs of the local population, and everything that was happening in the provinces was reported to Darius.
Sacco and Vanzetti were two working class, italian immigrants in the USA, but they were also anarchists. Their political ideas were influenced by the ideas Russian anarchists like Mikhail Bakunin and Piotr Kropotkin.
Since politicians did not want revolutionary ideas like communism or anarchism to expand in the United States and suffer a social uprising like the Russian revolution, communists and anarchists were usually targeted by the police.
In addition to that, racism and nativism in favour of white european, especially white anglo saxon people aslo contributed to the profiling of certain ethnic groups.
Since Sacco and Vanzetti were italian immigrants and also anarchists, they were immediately targeted as guilty of robbery and murder, even though there were no definitive evidence.
When Naruto ends up with Sasuke and Sakura ends up with Hinata
Answer:El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos es el titular del poder ejecutivo de dicho país. Es, a la vez, jefe de Estado y jefe de gobierno.23 Asimismo, es el comandante supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas.45
Es elegido mediante voto directo y universal. Una vez electo, entra en funciones el 1º de diciembre del año de la elección.n. 1 Su cargo dura un periodo de seis años, sin posibilidad de reelección;6ni siquiera en el caso de haberlo desempeñado como interino, provisional o sustituto. El cargo de presidente de la República solo es renunciable por causa grave, que deberá ser calificada por el Congreso de la Unión.78 En caso de muerte, destitución o renuncia, asume de manera inmediata y provisional el cargo el Secretario de Gobernación (si la ausencia es el día de la toma de posesión, sería el presidente del Senado, el mandatario provisional), después, con las reservas que contempla la constitución, corresponde al Congreso nombrar un sustituto o interino.
El cargo existe desde su inclusión en la Constitución de 1824, siendo su primer titular Guadalupe Victoria desde el 10 de octubre de aquel año. En suma 65 individuos ocuparon en 106 periodos distintos la presidencia de la república, ya fuera de manera constitucional, provisional, interina, sustituta o incluso de facto; estos números causados en gran medida por la constante inestabilidad vivida por el país en su primer siglo de vida independiente. De tal manera, que en esa primer centuria, solo cuatro mandatarios concluyeron el periodo constitucional para el que fueron elegidos.9
<span>Advanced mathematics was critical to the development of the Mayan calendar. The Maya needed a system of mathematics to record celestial movements over the years, to handle large numbers, and to calculate the solar and lunar year with great precision.</span>