Answer: Complex concepts
The adolescent from the beginning from this stage until its completion and entry into adulthood goes through a process not only of physical growth but also of emotional and cognitive growth.
When a child is in early adolescence begins what is its critical thinking. This focuses on making personal decisions at home and school, questions the authority and standards of society, uses logic to solve operations at school and begins to express their thoughts and points of view on various topics.
When the child is in middle adolescence, it already has experience using critical thinking, its questions are more extensive as well as the analyses it performs, it begins to develop its own identity, thinks long term and begins to influence its relationships with others.
Already in the late adolescence stage, the child can use complex thinking for decision making, his thoughts grow related to topics such as justice, history, politics, and patriotism, offers views on specific issues or concerns that may Having a specific field, his thinking focuses on deciding on a career and begins to think about its role as an adult in society.
Children with ASD most typically have issues in <u>Gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and motor imitation.</u>
- A neurological and developmental condition known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has an impact on how people connect with others, communicate, learn, and conduct.
- Autism is classified as a "developmental condition" since symptoms often occur in the first two years of life, even though it can be diagnosed at any age.
A person with autism spectrum condition, whether a child or an adult, may struggle with social skills and communication, which could include any of the following symptoms:
- Fails to acknowledge your call or occasionally seems not to hear you. Resists cuddling and holding, and seems to prefer playing alone, retreating into his or her own world.
- Infants and toddlers with autism have difficulty developing their motor abilities, and the more severe their condition, the slower their growth.
learn more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) here:
Black and green teas,red wine,spinach
tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and the harmful use of alcohol
There are a few conclusions one could come to after logging their food intake. 1. That they need to eat more and aren’t eating enough. 2. That they should eat a little less and are probably eating too much. 3. That they need more variation and balance in their diet. 4. That they need more carbs, fat, protein, fruit, veg, etc