Answer: because they are situated near aquifers
Aquifers is a underground layer of rock which can hold and release water in desirable amounts so petroleum industries claims the well are safe.
It allows them to save energy
Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation that involves physiological changes to survive during wither months. These physiological changes can include a decrease in body temperature, respiratory/heart rate and metabolism. The main purpose for which animals enter hibernation is to conserve energy, thereby surviving adverse climatic conditions and/or periods when food is scarce. Some examples of true hibernators (i.e., animals that enter into a state of minimal activity) include bats, hedgehogs, allies, squirrels, marmots, etc.
functional groups
Functional groups are molecules with specific atoms and have their own chemical properties when attached to some other substances. Glucose is a simple sugar and has an aldehyde group (CHO) as its functional group. The presence of CHO in it makes it be present in food without any harmful impacts. On the other hand, hexanoic acid has COOH (carboxylic group) as its functional group. COOH group has a tendency to donate its protons and become ionized. It is toxic as it is reactive and tends to affect the pH of the food or solution in which it is present.
The plants which will grow in sunlight will be able to perform photosynthesis while the other in dark will not and die slowly.
What is Photosynthesis?</h3>
This is the process in which green plants manufacture their food in the presence of sunlight.
The plants which is exposed to sunlight will activate the photosynthetic reactions and produce food such as glucose.
Read more about Photosynthesis here