Because industrialization lead to a work force which eventually turned into a militarism because the work force could now make their own amo and guns which they didn't have to rely on other countries <span />
The correct answer is D.
The Enlightment was a cultural, intellectual and philosophical movement that took place in Europe during the 18th century. It supposed a scientifical revolution which promoted the scientific method and focused on reason over the ortodoxy of religious beliefs which predominated in the European society at those times and were for the first time severerly questioned.
The ideas of the Enlightenment decreased the authority of the old institutions such as monarchy and the Church and set the playfield for the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. The greatest revolution symbolizing the ideas spread by the Enlighment was the French Revolution in 1789, which fostered sharp social, religious, political and econominal changes such as individual liberties and right, the division of powers or religious tolerance.
was a United States sectional political crisis in 1832–33,
during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, which involved a confrontation between the state of South Carolina and the federal government. It ensued after South Carolina declared that the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and therefore null and void within the sovereign boundaries of the state.
The New York Daily News was the first successful tabloid newspaper in the United States. It was founded in 1919 as the Illustrated Daily News by Joseph Medill Patterson and was a subsidiary of the Tribune Company of Chicago.
In conclusion, both philosophically and actually, the founding fathers were representative of the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. While it maybe said that our Founding Fathers "did not turn to the Bible," they were influenced by its contents