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Crowley’s Ridge is a small yet distinctive natural region. It ranges in width from one to twelve miles and extends from southern Missouri across eastern Arkansas to Helena-West Helena (Phillips County).It is made up of a continuous series of rolling hills except for a slight break at Marianna (Lee County); this break or gap was created by the L’Anguille River as it flowed across the ridge.
The Cold War was caused by the Soviet Union , was sustained by the Soviet Union , and was ended by the Soviet Union when it collapsed,” he said emphatically. “It was—and is—as simple as that.” The cold war was caused by the USSR 's 'imperial appetite.
The U-2 incident was over a US CIA spy plane flying over the Soviet Union and taking photos of military installations and it was shot down by a missile from the Soviet Union so it caused a serious rift in relations between the two superpowers.
Fundamental Rights
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizens was adopted in the year 1789, on August 26. It was the opening part of the newly created Constitution of French and the abolition of the feudalism.
The Declaration describes the fundamental rights of the people and the fundamental characteristics of rights which are considered as the natural, unalienable and a sacred principles that is based on the demands of the citizens. The Declaration or the Constitutions also provided equal rights and freedom to all the people.