Because of the way builds up in your body
The chromosomes move to a narrow central zone of the cell
Prophase: nuclear and cell membrane start to disappear
Metaphase: The chromosomes line up in the equator
Anaphase: Spindle fibres pull the chromosomes towards the poles
Telophase: Nuclear and cell membrane start to form
I hope it useful
La biogénesis es el proceso fundamental de los seres vivos que producen otros seres vivos. Ejemplo: una araña pone huevos de los que saldrán más arañas. La biogénesis es aquel principio según el cual la vida solamente se origina de una vida preexistente (que ha existido antes).
Because l-glucose is toxic in nature.
In the stratosphere, ozone is created primarily by ultraviolet radiation. When high-energy ultraviolet rays strike ordinary oxygen molecules (O2), they split the molecule into two single oxygen atoms, known as atomic oxygen.