The other persons insurance unless they do not have insurance if you have full coverage your insurance company will cover it usually including you pay your deductible and in both cases you can't take them to court by filing a small civil suit and making a report in the police station. Assuming you have a plate number or name that identifies the other party they will be obligated to go to court and if they don't they will recieve a bench warrant or also know as FAT warrant either way these things do take time but each step is a step closer to you winning your case and well deserved compensation
Social process theory views delinquency as the result of a youth’s dysfunctional or destructive relationship with the critical elements of socialization in his or her life family, peers, schools, community where the dysfunctionality causes the youth to see delinquency as a feasible alternative
These organisms include algae and birds. Algae in the lake use the sun in photosynthesis to manufacture their own food. Birds use the waters of the mono lake to clean their plumage. They clean their plumage to remove parasites and lice.