A. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in the year 1621.
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They saw them as Honorable Men. The Estruscans taught the Romans to build with brick and to roof their homes with tile. They drain the water from marshes that lay between Rome's Hills. They laid out city streets. The Estruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans. They even influence the style of clothing that the Romans wore. Roman men adopted the Estruscan fashion of wearing short cloaks and togas. Finally, the Estruscan army served as the model for the mighty Army that the Romans would later create.
The phenomeno is called risky shift. This phenomenon occurs when people make more risky decisions when they participate in group activities when they participate in activities individually. This is because the perception of risk is divided and diluted among the members of the group and therefore the perception of danger is lower.
I hope my answer can help you.