The distinction between "computer architecture" and "computer organization" has become very fuzzy, if no completely confused or unusable. Computer architecture was essentially a contract with software stating unambiguously what the hardware does. The architecture was essentially a set of statements of the form "If you execute this instruction (or get an interrupt, etc.), then that is what happens. Computer organization, then, was a usually high-level description of the logic, memory, etc, used to implement that contract: These registers, those data paths, this connection to memory, etc.
Programs written to run on a particular computer architecture should always run correctly on that architecture no matter what computer organization (implementation) is used.
For example, both Intel and AMD processors have the same X86 architecture, but how the two companies implement that architecture (their computer organizations) is usually very different. The same programs run correctly on both, because the architecture is the same, but they may run at different speeds, because the organizations are different. Likewise, the many companies implementing MIPS, or ARM, or other processors are providing the same architecture - the same programs run correctly on all of them - but have very different high - level organizations inside them.
There are 6 octects ( 8 bit numbers ) in a MAC address, so there's 256^6 possible addresses.
An employee literally swings from application to application to accomplish the laborious task of manually copying information from one application, validating it, and pasting it in another application. In applying human judgment and decision making: Entering data multiple times into different applications. Ensure that complex information obtained from an application is accurate. Communicate physicallly with a group of people simultaneously.
We have many types of correspondences. There are internal correspondences, external correspondences, sales correspondences, and personalized correspondences. By many to many correspondences we mean, a lot of people correspond with a lot many people from another department, company or market, or any set of people in fact. An internal correspondences, sales correspondences, personalized correspondences or external correspondences can be of many to many types, and as well as of others like one to one, many to one and so on.
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