Answer: Having the skills to communicate, read, and write is vital for social and economic development. It allows individuals to expand their knowledge and understanding of society. Literacy is not simply the ability to read and write, but rather the ability to use these skills and communicate effectively.
1. He felt bad that Roy was standing in the rain.
COUNTER ARGUMENT: People are quite able of identifying the difference between a young child and an adult, so a uniform doesn't make a difference. They are also very boring.
RESPONSE: Some people are more developed in there younger years so appear more mature and older than they are. Yes uniform can be boring however it's there to keep you safe and not for your enjoyment.
The first-aider will be ready with a first aid kit and will be on guard in case of accidents or injuries. First aid means, the first action done on someone who is injured or not feeling well within the designated place. He/she must know some first aid treatments or methods, such as treating a cut or bruise, giving artificial ventilation and CPR, etc.