Opportunity cost
The theory of comparative advantage represent that if there is any benefit from the international trade so it does not only show the absolute advantage at lesser cost but it also represent the comparative advantage and generating at a lesser opportunity cost as the theory of comparative advantage says that the product and services should be produced at lower opportunity cost
These are the 2 ways to use provider credit:
1. Through linking reimbursement checks in bank deposit. These checks are from the vendor and will be used to create a vendor credit.
2. Making payment of supplier invoices, is another way to use credit, to carry out this, I have to create the invoice.
a. Subassemblies
Subassemblies are one of the inputs to manufacturing and service-delivery processes. This is because these are small units that need to be assembled separately but then later become part of the final larger manufactured product. Therefore since they are part of the final manufactured product they are an input in the manufacturing process of that larger product needed in order for it to be finished.
b. burnout
-Depression is an illness that makes people feel sad and without interest in performing activities that they used to do.
-Burnout is when a person is really tired because of a lot of stress and the person feels exhausted, overwhelmed, unmotivated and with a negative attitude.
-Insomnia is when a person has a problem to fall sleep and people feel that they are not able to rest.
-Occupational disease is an illness that is caused by the conditions in your job.
According to this, the answer is that such symptoms are most likely an indication that the subordinate is experiencing burnout because it appears when a person has a lot of stress which results in being in a bad mood, unmotivated and the person neglects the job.
Ruth, a cashier at a private bank, strongly believes that no matter how much effort she puts in or how many hours she works overtime, she will not be offered a promotion in the next 10 years. In this scenario, Ruth's beliefs are in accordance with the expectancy theory.