The concept of an American identity is something that has changed over time
The concept of American identity is something that has changed over time.
This is evident in the fact that as more immigrants settled in the United States, various aspect of the immigrant's culture has been infused into the American identity.
Originally dominated by Western European cultures, however, with more influx of African, Asian, Eastern Europe and generally other parts of the world, American Identity has changed over time.
This can also be seen in food, music, dressing, and other culturalistic elements of Americans.
"In 1641 it was claimed by the Massachusetts Colony and became known as the Upper Province.
Then in 1679 it became a Royal Province."
Akhenaten banned the worship of gods beside the Aten, including through festivals. He also declared himself to be the only one who could worship the Aten, and required that all religious devotion previously exhibited toward the gods be directed toward himself.
He made a law emancipation of slaves. He also worked as a governor for New York