by registering
in becoming a responsible person
yes because it is part of my contribution
One-year-old Ainsley who learned the schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees trucks on television, Ainsley says, "Look mommy, truck!" Whenever she sees trucks on television. This is a typical example or demonstration of assimilation
Assimilation is the procedure of absorbing and fully grasping information or ideas.
Assimilation can further be seen as the steps or procedure of assimilating, or of absorbing information, experiences or something, Or the state of being assimilated, or of being absorbed into something or information
Strategy is a provides the logic behind with their planned actions.
Protection and Prevention.
In Emergency Preparedness, five missions help during the time of emergency. These are interdependent missions, meaning that none go alone, but together.
The five missions are:
- Prevention
- Protection
- Mitigation
- Responding
- Recovering
The mission that works in identifying the possible threats and hazards is the Prevention mission. In Prevention mission, preventive measures or planning is done to avoid any possible threat.
Protection mission is the one in which physical, technological and cybersecurity is looked upon.
So, the correct answer is Protection and Prevention.