Answer: Leader-member exchange theory
This exchange theory is referred to as the relationship based way to the leadership that tends to concentrate on the binary relationship in between the individuals. It further suggests that the leaders cultivates a thorough exchange with each individual, and thus the quality of these exchange relationships tends to influence the individuals task and decisions.
During the trade, if partner countries not able to purchase the US export product due to recession, thus the US spends more amount of money on imports than export. This unfavorable variation in the trade leads to an increase in the trade deficit.
If this trade deficit sustains for a longer period of time then it may weaken the strength of industries and may affect job growth.
repeated pairing of coffee with the immune enhancing drug
According to Ader and Cohen (1985) in their research on classical conditioning, it was concluded that classical conditioning works on the immune system of the body responsible for fighting diseases. They asserted in their research that repeated pairing of coffee with immune enhancing drugs would condition the body to activate the immune system.
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