Mailto, followed by the email address.
E.g.: <span><a href="mailto:
[email protected]">Mail me!</a></span>
It is known as the PACING Calendar.
endProgram = "no"
endOrder = "no"
totalBurger = 0
totalFry = 0
totalSoda = 0
total = 0
tax = 0
subtotal = 0
option = 0
burgerCount = 0
fryCount = 0
sodaCount = 0
def resetVariables():
#reset variables
totalBurger = 0
totalFry = 0
totalSoda = 0
total = 0
tax = 0
subtotal = 0
def getBurger():
global burgerCount
burgerCount += int(input("Enter the number of burgers you want: "))
totalBurger =burgerCount * .99
return totalBurger
def getFry():
global fryCount
fryCount += int(input("Enter the number of fries you want: "))
global totalFry
totalFry +=fryCount * .79
return totalFry
def getSoda():
global sodaCount
sodaCount += int(input("Enter the number of sodas you want: "))
global totalSoda
totalSoda +=sodaCount * 1.09
return totalSoda
def calcTotal():
global subtotal
subtotal += totalBurger + totalFry + totalSoda
global tax
tax += subtotal * .06
global total
total += subtotal + tax
return total
def printReceipt(total):
print("Your total is $",round(total, 2))
#Loop to run program again
while endProgram == "no":
#Loop to take in order
while endOrder == "no":
print("Enter 1 for Yum Yum Burge\nEnter 2 for Grease Yum Fries\nEnter 3 for Soda Yum: \n")
option = int(input("Enter option: "))
if option == 1:
bugertotal = getBurger()
elif option == 2:
frytotal = getFry()
elif option == 3:
sodatotal = getSoda()
endOrder = input("Do you want to end your order? (Enter no to add more items): ")
mytotal = calcTotal()
endProgram = input("Do you want to end the program? (Enter no to process a new order): ")
The python source code displays the menu of a restaurant and the prices of each meal. The module takes multiple orders, calculates and displays the total bill of the order with tax included.
Determines True if both conditions are met
If both inputs are true then the output is true, if one is false then it becomes false, if both are false it is also false