That is program ............
1. TECHNOLOGY GRADE 9 TERM 3. In this chapter, you will revise the work you did on electrical systems and control
Explanation:Circuits can be found in just about every electronic device you ... An electric circuit is in many ways similar to your circulatory system
el fuego
porque este ayudo a nuestros antepasados a protegerse del frío y poder sacarle mas provecho a los alimentos que conseguían, tambien para la elaboracíon de herramientas
def interest():
interest_rate = 0.06
investment = input(int('Investment: '))
yield = 0
year = 0
while (yield < investment):
year += 1
yield = investment * interest_rate
print (year)
NOTE: i wrote this code assuming that the investment for the next year is the same as the first year and so forth