Learn by looking at others do something
Descenso común describe cómo en biología evolutiva un grupo de organismos comparte un ancestro común más reciente. Hay evidencia de descendencia común de que toda la vida en la Tierra desciende del último ancestro común universal.
Rhizopus is a genus of common fungi that develops on plants and specialized parasites on animals, it is fairly common in all kinds of foods like mature fruits, jellies, syrups, bread, peanuts, etc. They develop hyphae called rhizoids on this food and can be visible.
Pollution during the industrial revolution caused trees to become covered with soot, making them darker. This dark appearance meant that the peppered moth, which usually had a light colour, was clearly visible against the tree. This meant it was easier for predators to identify. As a result, their numbers decreased because they were an easier target.
However, there was also a rarer form of the moth, which was dark in colour. These were initially very rare. However, because of the change in the tree colour owing to the industrial revolution, these moths were better suited to the environment, as they were more camouflaged against the dark tree. This meant it was easier for them to avoid predators, and so they were more likely to survive to reproductive age and pass on the genes that produce the dark colour. This meant that the dark moths increased in number.
Patterns. ...
Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation. ...
Scale, proportion, and quantity. ...
Systems and system models. ...
Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation. ...
Structure and function. ...
Stability and change.
I wanna say the answer is cause and effect