Killings directed towards a large group of people
It was believed that the 'spirit of party and faction' would have a negative implication because one party may feel like the government is disregarding the right of another or the good of the whole, this was according to Madison, he further stated that the consequence of this will be creation of conflict between two parties which may further lead to conflict within the country.
Airplane: travel faster by air and can go anywhere not just overland
car: transports people place to place on land quicker than walking
boat: transports people over water quicker than swimming or paddling
bike: a fun healthy way to get places on land faster than walking
hover board: the two wheeled invention that doesn't actually hover but you move with you feet
A. battle of Somme would be my choice. I learned that a while ago
Most of the essays published in the “Art of History” series have been about writing history.
But ways of reading come and go, like everything else in this temporal and transient world. A way of reading history that’s popular with one generation can fall out of favor with the next one. And indeed, something like that seems to be happening right now: a practiced and developed way of reading seems to be falling out of fashion, tumbling into the past. And when it goes it may take a particular way of writing and thinking about history along with it.