Enter tab would complete an entry. I hope that helped ya!
The answer to your question is a shot
I've included my code in the picture below. Best of luck.
Option 1: Finds the position of the largest value in a
Given the codes as follows:
- int[] a = {6, 1, 9, 5, 12, 3};
- int len = a.length;
- int x = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
- {
- if (a[i] > a[x])
- x = i;
- }
- System.out.println(x);
The code is intended to find a largest value in the array, a. The logic is as follows:
- Define a variable to hold an index where largest value positioned. At the first beginning, just presume the largest value is held at index zero, x = 0. (Line 3)
- Next, compare the value location in next index. If the value in the next index is larger, update the index-x to the next index value (Line 4 - 8). Please note the for-loop traverse the array starting from index 1. This is to enable the index-1 value can be compared with index-0 and then followed with index-2, index-3 etc.
- After completion of the for-loop, the final x value will be the index where the largest value is positioned.
- Print the position of the largest value (Line 10)