The answer is TRUE. It is a TRUE statement.
Multivariate analysis is the analysis of simultaneous interactions between several variables. If two items are very correlated, they could all be included in the same index.
You have to make sure the BIOS boot is set to the normal hard drive first, then plug in the SATA cable and power properly
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void funct(){
string name;
cout<<"enter the string: ";
reverse(name.begin(), name.end());
cout<<"The string is : "<<name<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
create the function funct() with return type void and declare the variable type string and print a message for asking to used enter the string.
The string enter by user is store in the variable using cin instruction.
after that, we use a inbuilt function reverse() which takes two argument.
firs argument tell the starting point and second index tell the ending point. then, the reverse function reverse the string.
name.begin() it is a function which return the pointer of first character of string.
name.end() it is a function which return the pointer of last character of the string.
finally, print the reverse string.
for calling the function, we have to create the main function and then call the function.
Stick to concrete nouns
The best technique to improve the web search result is that search with the help of keywords. These keywords help in searching the required results from search engines.
The keywords are actually nouns. Noun is name of object, place or person. So by using nouns we can search out required results.
For example
If we want to search about some persons bibliography, we use his name in our search. His name is an example of noun.