Answer:Pee is a funny little substance. It actually has lots of good stuff in it. Stuff you can’t live without in many cases – things like potassium and sodium and water. Your body, and more specifically, your kidneys, sense and adjust the composition of your bodily fluids and dump the excess into the urine. Just ate a super-sized order of fries with an ocean’s worth of sodium in it? Here come the kidneys to say ‘hold the salt’ and dump the unwanted excess into the urine. Ditto with lots of other substances, like water, that need to be regulated. And pee is (usually) sterile – unless you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) pee is pure enough that you could clean your windows with it. I’m not advocating doing anything crazy with it (except maybe writing your name in the snow), but it’s not the heinous grody stuff that many third graders make it out to be. True, it does have the waste products of metabolism in it, which your body definitely needs to get rid of.
Answer: It depends on how well you care for it, and yes you can have a second one done but either way it takes time.
public health was encouraged by the roman government. structures were built to help pipe water into cities, and sewage systems were constructed to remove waste from larger cities. they developed the first hospitals which were used primarily for the military, and introduced the idea of medical specialists.
C. Gestalt therapy seeks to examine the whole individual and not just behaviors or thoughts.
Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy, sees the patient's existence as a whole. His therapy focuses on what is currently happening rather that past or childhood experiences. It also uses phenomenological approach since it deals with the perceptions of the patient and not by others.