The field of Psychology is involved in the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Psychology is a discipline related to the scientific study of mental processes as well as behavior. Psychology usually utilizes this knowledge in many aspects referring to human activity, this includes people's daily lives and in some cases the treatment of illness related to the mind.
Psychology's purpose is trying to explain the different mental processes and behavior that occur in individuals. The interaction that exists between these processes usually occurs on a systemic level.
The steel industry benefitted the most from the Bessemer Process.
The Bessemer Process is an industrial process that was the first inexpensive option in mass steel production. This process was named after Henry Bessemer, who took out a patent in 1856.
The correct answer is: "they started trading with neighboring communities".
The first stage of an agricultural society is characterized by a subsistence agricultural economy, in which everybody in the community contributes to production activities. Once they are able to develop better farming techniques, the amount produced increases and production surpluses are generated. These surpluses are the amount that is not necessary for self-subsistence and that can be traded in exchange for other commodities.
When trade steps in, it means that there are different types of products in the economy. Division of labor and speacialization appear at this point, when different tasks need to be done to produce each good, and different people work on each of them. Some people continue doing the agricultural work, others are in charge of the trading activities, and some others become artisans which construct tools that continue improving the production techniques and generating more surpluses.
A:A Republic :) (i asked my econ teacher)