When interest rates are increased, borrowing money becomes more expensive. This translates into both individuals and buisnesses having to slow down their enconomic growth, because financing their activities or production also becomes more expensive.
The Federal Reserve has the <u>double-task</u> of keeping prices manageable in a flourishing economy while keeping unemployment as low as possible. When there's inflation, it's been proven that slowing down the economy by increasing interest rates, tends to reduce inflation. That's why it's a good option. We have to keep in mind, however, that this will raise unemployment as a collateral effect.
As you can see, there's no easy answer when it comes to balancing all factors at the same time.
Hope this helps!
it launched the Birmingham Campaign
hope thats helpful
European leaders were slow to stop the advances of Hitler and Mussolini because they were stil reeling from World War I and hoped to avoid another large-scale conflict - D. Despite saying this, the European nations had a sense of what was to come, only that they didn't really think it would come at such a vast price and body count tag.
Athens was a democratic society and the epitome of democracy. Democracy began in Athens with the reforms
made by Solon where everyone was given the Right to vote and created a court of
appeals to examine cases. Sparta on the
hand was dictatorial state where people were divides into the Spartan citizens,
free men of trade and the helots or slaves.
Citizens were required to serve the military and only the fittest were
allowed to live in Sparta. Both states formed democratic government and
dictatorial government.
The possible answer is that When you take a loan from a bank or someone you know, they have trust that you will pay it back, in time.