Pros: Sends a clear signal that the West will not tolerate military interventions unsanctioned by international legal bodies, no matter who does it.
Cons: Would be difficult to gather the will for it among EU members that have strong trading relations with Russia, and even harder to enforce. Energy would be off the table; sourcing gas elsewhere may hit the EU harder than Russia.
Noun ,pronoun,gerund or clause the "object" of the preposition.
Jargon are the formal words that are used by the professionals. Such words are not usually understandable by the normal people. These are the specialized or technical words. Such words are only understandable by professors or professionals of the concerned subject.
Following are the jargon and the English counterparts
1) Advantageous Helpful
2) Affected Impacted
3) Cutting Edge Leading
4) Disseminate Spread
5) State of the Art Latest
6) Utilization Use
It means you write what you learned in life and you find relatable things in the book like how y’all both struggle in math. Do you get it??