The answer is below
According to Dr. John C Green, debates actually matters in an election. However, the impact of debates comes in two different folds.
Firstly, those that actually watch the debate. These people get the information directly from the aspirants and it shifts their opinions about who they will vote for eventually.
On the other hand, are those that actually didn't watch the debate. These people often more than those that watch the debate, are influenced by the media narratives that come after the debates. And in a way, it also changes their opinions about whom exactly they would give their votes.
He however concluded that it is difficult to measure the impact of the debate on election outcomes. In his word "just because people get information does not mean they will be persuaded one way or another."
The clause is really a state's rights clause. A state may not pass a law that makes something illegal that was legal before the law was passed. In other words if a state suddenly passed a law that said it is no longer legal to park your car in front of any government building, but it was legal to do so yesterday, the police cannot come to your door and issue a ticket for parking in front of a government building because you did it yesterday.
The constitution actually uses the phrase ex post facto law in Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1.
Macedonian army units are divided.
In lists of Roman Emperors, Theodosius is far from the most notable. One historian noted that this son of an emperor killed for high treason "veered disconcertingly between opposites—febrile activity and indolent sluggishness, a simple soldierly life and the splendors of the court." But this little-known emperor forever changed the course of Christian history not in one way, but in two. He used his power to officially enforce orthodox Christianity, but ended up placing his power under that of the church, setting a standard for more than a millennium.
He wanted to make all of his people dependent on the communists Germany for their needs.
Basically cut off all contact with everyone but Germany and Russia so the citizens could only survive threw the government they hated