twos complement value is (-2^15 -1) -32768 to 32767.
excess notation value is -32768 to 32767.
unsigned binary value is (2^16) 0 to 65535
Excess notation: used to represent signed integers. Always uses fixed number of bits with leftmost representing the sign.
Twos complement notation: As opposed to excess notation, a sign bit of 0 is used to represent the non-negative (+) sign and a 1 for the negative (-); again, zero is included in the non-negative set.
Unsigned Binary values: are binary values/bits that don't have signs
Heheheheheheheheh perfect b
Active Attack
• It is an active attack 1, because someone is actively attacking your system. It is also an active attack because it is affecting the way your system works negatively, and visibly.
• 2, because they have been caught for actively committing a crime.
• lastly, because a brute-force is classified as an active attack, regardless. It is an illegal way to attempt to damage, steal or change a root password.
•<em> Fun fact </em>
<em>A DDoS(distributed denial-of-service) is also classified as an active attack.</em>