The correct answer is B.
This river is also called the Chang Jiang or Long River
When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, this case a big issue. When she did not follow the orders she was later arrested. News soon spred about Rosa Park's arrest.
Martin Luther King Jr. came later and helped to orginize the Mintgomery Bus Boycott. For over a year a lot of African Americans walked everywhere instead of taking the bus. Later the bus drives would be forced to intograte their bus.
Unity is the appearance or condition of oneness in a work of art.
Unity in art refers to the phenomenon when one element in a work of art is connected to another element or elements. Unity in art makes it wholesome, harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Unity in a work of art makes the viewer perceive it holistically rather than focusing on individual details. Attached are two examples of unity in artwork.
Company Owned/Business Only (COBO)
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the deployment model that is being described is called COBO or Company Owned/Business Only. This is a business model that largely surfaced when mobile devices started taking off. This business model supplies workers with company owned devices and restricts the hardware for business use only.