The answer is differential association.
Differential association is a theory which explains that criminal behaviour is learned through social interaction. For example, a person might learn about strategies for shoplifting, or might observe someone spraying a graffiti and imitate it.
This explanation for deviant behaviour does not take <u>personality traits</u> or <u>biological predispositions </u>into account.
<u>You need to stay current with local news</u> in order to respond to questions like this. Boycotts and protests are extremely common occurrences; mainstream media, local media, and even alternative media outlets regularly cover them.
"Touch the grass," as the saying goes, implies to observe outside of your comfort zones. Get off the internet and interact with individuals who are fighting for their human fundamental needs such as adequate housing, wage increases, accessible healthcare, climate justice, cheaper costs for essential necessities like gasoline, and so on.
To provide evidence or examples in history, we can trace the 8-hour workday of today's workers back to earlier labor movements of various unions. Because of these labor movements, we despise child labor. Previously, workers' boycotts and strikes had a significant impact on how we opposed cruel capitalistic ways.
Power of the people to organize themselves to protect each other helped people create change successfully.
There's nothing wrong with knowing about the history of struggles in your own nation and siding with the downtrodden rather than looking aside and empowering the oppressors.
Learn how the Montgomery bus boycott affected the civil rights movement:
Snowball sampling
Snowball sampling is one where the researcher gets a sample by asking participants in the study if they know other potential participants. The current participants refer new ones.
I believe it is the generic but I may be wrong about that.
Hope that helps and feel free to ask me more questions :)
During this time humans used stone to make tools and stone was used many times as part of the actual tool. Tools are objects that make our lives easier. A computer or smart phone are examples of modern-day tools. Paleolithic is a word that comes from the two Greek words palaios, meaning old, and lithos, meaning stone.