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Carnegie believed that the wealthy had an obligation to share their wealth to improve society and help others.
Carnegie wrote his beliefs about wealth in the <em>Gospel of Wealth </em>written in 1889.
Carnegie practiced what he preached. He shared his wealth with many organizations in particular libraries, universities, and artistic institutes. He wealth was used to support the educational community of the US and provide opportunities for others to benefit from his wealth. Many other wealthy members of society have followed in his model by using their wealth to make the US a better place.
Cold War means "a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare.
The United States was interfering in the civil war of another nation.
Woody Allen was considered a true auteur due to his great contributions to the film industry.
Woody Allen has been considered one of the most important elements for North American cinema, since his beginnings in the cinema in the 60s he has written and directed more than forty films to the present. He has been considered not only a director but an auteur due to his great imagination and artistic abilities that have highlighted him and led to the new era of Hollywood cinema with his irreverent creations and with his particular style ranging from drama to comedy going on through different styles.
Allen was able to recover the elements from the European art cinema, in order to have a different view of what has been commonly known till that time; using also elements from the period after the war II to contrast in many cases the histories of love and romance that have been previously presented to the public.