Nothing everything they wanted they didn’t get so they wanted war and that was that
In English: Relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were driven by a complex interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors, which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and often bitter superpower rivalry over the years.
Cold War, the open yet restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The Cold War was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.
En Espanol: Las relaciones entre la Unión Soviética y Estados Unidos fueron impulsadas por una compleja interacción de factores ideológicos, políticos y económicos, que llevaron a cambios entre una cooperación cautelosa y una rivalidad entre superpotencias a menudo amarga a lo largo de los años.
Guerra Fría, la rivalidad abierta pero restringida que se desarrolló después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética y sus respectivos aliados. La Guerra Fría se libró en los frentes político, económico y propagandístico y tuvo un recurso limitado a las armas.
Detente. a policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was adopted by the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon ... What do you consider<span> the most significant reason for the collapse of </span>
The correct answer is A.return
The parity legislation basically sought to restore the terms of trade that was enjoyed by farmers beginning In the 1920s. This legislation was used by farmers to justify the prices of their agricultural produce. They compared this argument with the belief that farming needs to remain as profitable compared between the years of 1909 and 1914.