You have not consumed lactose from dairy recently
According to the diagram, there is a represssor element in the regulatory region of the operon. This repressor is blocking the RNA polymerase, that is bound to its promoter region upstream of the genes, from transcription. The repressor is mostly the lac repressor that switches of the operon in the absence of lactose.
a algae
it lives there in the ocean
The pathway of information through the neuron is based in the connection of axons with other neurons, favoring the conduction of information from one place to another of the nervous system. The way in which a neuron communicates with another, with a receptor or an effector is called synapse.
Neurons are the specialized cells that allow the function of the nervous system, given by the transmission of information in the form of nerve impulses. The way in which information is transmitted by neurons depends on the connection that exists between neurons, by their axons and dendrites, or between enurons and specialized structures such as receptors and effectors.
When a stimulus reaches a receptor, it connects with the neuron that carries the information by afferent pathway to the central nervous system. Once the information is processed, a response is elaborated that travels through the neurons by efferent pathway to an effector cell.
Synapses are simply the connection that exists between neurons, through their axons, or from these cells to the receptor or effector structures. Synapses are located between one neuronal axon and another, or between axons and receptors or effectors, and occur through electrical signals or chemical mediators called neurotransmitters.
Upper arm/elbows front side
The Psalmist expresses his awe and thanksgiving to God for his affection by continually singing Him songs of praise.
The simplest way to thank God is to see Him everywhere and appreciate His presence in our life. It's important for us to remember that we are living because of Him.
The Psalms contain powerful quotes for giving thanks and finding blessings. Psalms 1 - 150 showed how the Psalmist was thanking God by singing praises to Him. The unifying theme of Psalms is praise for God.
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