Find the explanation below.
1. The passage explains the conflicts and disagreements that existed between the Mexicans and Americans before the start of the Mexican-American war. The two nations failed to agree on a defined boundary for Texas. The following statement supports this fact, "In 1844, annexation was negotiated between Texas and the U.S. with an important wrinkle: the southern boundary was the Rio Grande. This border had been rejected by the Mexican Congress in favor of the Nueces River farther north." This disagreement formed the basis of the war.
2. The United States was not justified in going into war with the Mexicans. The measures Polk used in resolving this matter appears deceitful and not straightforward. Placing military presence in California when the two nations had not agreed to terms and even offering bribe to an exiled dictator, were not good ways of reaching to terms.
Public impressions and insecurities gained during the Cold War could carry over to the peacetime environment. This new peaceful era created a territorial expansion of democratic capitalism which had an open invitation to proclaim the obsolescence of the war itself.
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ethnic cleansing
- Colloquially, genocide can be referred to as a number of crimes that cannot be classified under the legal definition of genocide
- . Thus, the mass Khmer Rouge massacres in Cambodia in the 1970s, which claimed more than a million lives, are often called genocide, but they cannot qualify as one ethnic Khmer persecuting and killing other ethnic Khmer based on their social or political affiliation.
- On the other hand, the persecution of ethnic Vietnamese and Muslims by the Khmer Rouge could be considered genocide, because the Khmer Rouge specifically attempted to destroy these groups, precisely because of their ethnic and religious characteristics.
Learn more on Genocide on
In 1908, a New England mill became the first American factory to institute the five-day week. It did so to accommodate Jewish workers, whose observance of a Saturday sabbath forced them to make up their work on Sundays, offending some in the Christian majority.
1. The Mongols managed to stabilize Asia in the territory they controlled with both military force, and with ethnic, religious, and cultural tolerance.
2. The Mongols contributed to much increased trade between the Europeans and Asians through the Silk Road, especially after they made it safe for travel and trade. This made the people of the two continents much closer, and much more familiar with each other, and it set the stage for the future trade.
3. Before the Mongol conquest, the Europeans saw the Asian people as savages, but after they were able to visit the Far East, and see its development and advancement, they gradually changed their minds, and in many ways felt inferior afterwards.
4. The Mongols had a well established system for fast communication throughout all of their empire, and it was based on horse power and speed, but it was also very well calculated as to how much a single horse can withstand a high speed gallop, so they had stations for changing the horse.
5. Even though the Mongols by many are seen as savages, they were in fact very tolerant to the people's beliefs, and they encouraged all religions in their Empire, and integration between the people with different religious backgrounds.