The suspect might be guilty, but more information is needed from other parts of the investigation.
Due process states innocent until proven guilty. Having an 80 percent chance of deception is not solid proof of anything. It does, however, bring more speculation to the table that this person is indeed guilty, but because there is no actual proof, the investigators must find more information on the matter.
Bacteria that change nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into solid nitrogen usable by plants are called nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria are found both in the soil and in symbiotic relationships with plants.
b. specialized for absorbing shorter wavelengths of light that penetrate deeper into the water for photosynthesis.
There are two lights which are responsible for the photosynthesis in plants and algae i. e. red and blue light. These two lights are absorbed by the plants and algae in the process of photosynthesis while most of the light colors are reflected. In water red light remains in low depth while blue light penetrate deep into the water due to its shorter wavelength. So that's why red algae can grow due to the presence of blue light and photosynthesis occurs.
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SSRI stands for S<span>elective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and it is a type of antidepressant medication. These medications are used to treat depression, and have fewer side effects than other medications.
</span><span>These group of drugs works primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is linked to happiness and good feeling, so i</span><span>ncreased serotonin can help relieve depression. </span>