I believe that it is true. Many African Americans were arrested for not following draft notices that they never got from land owners.
The power of the President to refuse to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevent its enactment into law is the veto. ... This veto can be overridden only by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House. If this occurs, the bill becomes law over the President's objections.
The suburbs became very popular during the 1950s because of post WWII economic prosperity as well as other factors. American cities were viewed as decaying, there were racial fears that led to a phenomenon called "white flight" of whites moving from cities to the suburbs because of racial fear, and also there was affordable housing to be found in the suburbs that provided more space and luxury for the average American family.
Escarpments are steep slopes and cliffsides that are caused by erosion.
In Engel v. Vitale (1962), the Supreme Court presented the argument that school-sponsored prayer was unconstitutional under a plain text reading of the First Amendment which forbids the establishment of a national religion.
Cases since then have focused on quasi-school sponsored prayer (cheerleaders praying before football games) but the general rule of law is that a school official cannot lead or sponsor prayer.