a. shorten
Inability or failure for joints to move through their entire range of motion is caused by constrictions. These constrictions often results when the excess adipose tissues that surrounds the muscles and ligaments are not in required adequate proportion. These constrictions can be caused by ageing, fatigue, muscular diseases etc. As a result of these constriction in the joints, let say for example, the knee joint, the muscle and ligaments tends to shorten in length.
Ha, It learned where NOT to land. That's for sure. But the answer is Operant Conditioning.
The answer is a hair root.
Nuclear DNA is commonly extracted from the hair root. The hair root consists of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are cells found in the epidermis. As all other cells, they contain DNA material. When keratynocites die, they get converted into keratoid material in the process of cornification. As a consequence, d<span>ead cells do not contain DNA material. Therefore, the hair root is the best source of nuclear DNA than shed or cut hair when working with hair sample.</span>