"Lithium ion" is used in your cellphone.
It is a number that is expressed in the binary numerical system
I do tech and i help work on computars.
- def getCharacterForward(char, key):
- if(len(char) > 1):
- return None
- elif(not isinstance(key, int)):
- return -1
- else:
- index = charList.find(char)
- if(index + key <= 25):
- return charList[index + key]
- else:
- return charList[(index + key)% 26]
- print(getCharacterForward("C", 4))
- print(getCharacterForward("X", 4))
Firstly, define a charList that includes all uppercase alphabets (Line 2). We presume this program will only handle uppercase characters.
Follow the question requirement and define necessary input validation such as checking if the char is a single character (Line 4). We can do the validation by checking if the length of the char is more than 1, if so, this is not a single character and should return None (Line 5). Next, validate the key by using isinstance function to see if this is an integer. If this is not an integer return -1 (Line 6 - 7).
Otherwise, the program will proceed to find the index of char in the charList using find method (Line 9). Next, we can add the key to index and use the result value to get forwarded character from the charList and return it as output (Line 11).
However, we need to deal a situation that the char is found at close end of the charList and the forward key steps will be out of range of alphabet list. For example the char is X and the key is 4, the four steps forward will result in out of range error. To handle this situation, we can move the last two forward steps from the starting point of the charList. So X move forward 4 will become B. We can implement this logic by having index + key modulus by 26 (Line 13).
We can test the function will passing two sample set of arguments (Line 15 - 16) and we shall get the output as follows:
ISO 27002
The acronym ISO stand for The International Organization for Standardization. its a non governmental body that is responsible for setting standards guide internationally.
while NIST stand for National Institute of Standards and technology and it is also a body that is responsible for setting up standard guide in the US..
ISO 27002 is a standard code for implementing information security management systems. while ISO 27017 is for cloud security. NIST 800-12 is a general security and NIST 800-14 is for policy development. thus option A is correct.
Note :
All code preceded by ISO is from The International Organization for Standardization and are international standard. while those preceded by NIST is from National Institute of Standards and technology and are not international standard.