R's share = 306
Sum of ratio = 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/5
LCM = 30
Sum of ratio = (10 + 15 + 6) / 30 = 31 /30
Profit to be shared = 1581
P = 1/3 ; Q = 1/2 ; R = 1/5
Share of R :
(Total profit / sum of ratio) * R ratio
[1581 / (31/30)] * 1/5
(1581 / 1 * 30/31) * 1/5
51 * 30 * 1/5
51 * 6 = 306
C. E-mail
Electronic mail is the best choice to convey urgent and highly sensitive information
When the element is not found we return -1.
When we use binary search we use BinarySearch() method of an array or list type when the element is found we return the index of the element if found if the element is not found we return -1.
We can decode this value since it is less than 0 and the indexing of arrays and lists starts with 0 upto the size-1.So -1 index is not present in the array or list.We have to check if the index is < 0 then the element is not present in the array or list.
for ex:-
System.out.println("Element is not present in the array");
def length( mystring):
count = 0
for i in mystring:
count += 1
return count
def reversed( mystring):
strlist = []
for i in range(length(mystring)):
strlist.append(mystring[(length(mystring) - 1) - i])
txt = "".join(strlist)
return txt
string = 'Yolanda'
The python module defines two functions 'reversed' and 'length'. The length function counts the number of characters in a string variable while the reversed function reverses the string variable value.