Identify all of the characteristics listed below that are associated with Step 1 of the 4-Step Problem-Solving Method -- Underst
and the Problem. (4 answers. Identify all 4 options correctly to receive credit for your answer; just like on LEAP.) Identify the important words and numbers in the problem
Perform this step last.
Perform this step first.
Identify any instructions that you are supposed to follow when solving (e.g., round, simplify, draw a graph of your answer, create a table to show your answer).
Identify what you are being asked to solve or find.
"Understand the problem" might rightly consist of • Perform this step first • Identify what you are being asked to solve or find. • Identify the important words or numbers in the problem • Identify any instructions that you are supposed to follow
_____ One of my professors always insisted we start the solution of any problem by writing down what was Given, and what we had to Find, using those headers for the sections of the paper we turned in. Only after those were listed were we allowed to write the Solution. Solution papers that didn't have that format were tossed in the trash, and no credit was given. Harsh, but effective.