it's better , let's solve it
I are aggravated by they get on ur nerves
Readers would most likely connect this excerpt to their lives by relating to wanting to make their parents proud.
Sally’s father is Rev. Issac Green.
Because only names or place name have to be capitalised.
Hag-born" "whelp," not "honoured with human shape."
"Poor credulous monster."
"Strange fish."
These are just a few descriptions of Caliban, one of the most debated figures in all of Shakespeare. Is this cursing, would-be rapist and wannabe killer nothing but a monster? Or, is this belligerent, iambic pentameter-speaking slave worthy of our sympathy? Is Caliban a response toMontaigne's vision of the "noble savage"? Is he symbolic of the victims of colonial expansion?
Critical interpretations of Caliban are w