Coastal mountains: colliding tectonic plates near land
Volcanoes: A portion of the crust in a seduction zone near melting
earthquakes: A sudden shift between two touching plates
Tsunami: An undersea earthquake
Below I have included an image that has the measure of all of the angles on it.
We can find the measures of the angles here due to the laws about complimentary angles. A pair of complimentary angles can be formed when 2 lines are perpendicular, and when added together, will always equal 90. The pair are the angles that are not directly adjacent from each other. In this figure, "x" and "(4x-10)" are a pair. According to another law, opposite angles, or adjacent angles, will always be equal to each other. Using the logic above is how we can find the measure of all angles.
Since one angle has a box, we know the lines are perpendicular, and that the laws of complimentary angles apply. We can also use that to see that the angle diagonal from it is equal to 90.
To solve for the other measures, we need to add the 2 equations together and set them equal to 90 (because of that law we talked about before).
/5 /5
Now that we know x equals 20, we can substitute that value in and solve.
We also know this is correct because 20 and 70 equal 90.
An effect of the Peloponnese war was that Macedonia invaded Greece.
The Peloponnese war was a war between Sparta and Athens, with Sparta coming out as a victor in it. The lack of political absence of Athens for some time in the region because of the engagement in the war with Sparta gave opportunity the Macedonians to be able to speed up their progress, implement reforms, and rapidly become a force to be reckoned with.
The Macedonians managed to reform their army and strengthen their economy, and for the Hellenic city-states, this was not a good sign. Phillip II of Macedon attacked the Hellenic city-states and defeated them all, causing a huge loss in military personnel. One city-state that saved itself was Sparta, and there are two reasons for it, one is that they were in good relations with the Macedonians and often allied, and the other because it was of interest to any of the two sides to go in war against each other and suffer losses unnecesarilly.
How does a unitary government differ from a federal government? In a unitary government, the power is held by one central authority but in a federal government, the power is divided between national government or federal government and local governments or state governments.