Rural to urban migration represents people moving from village to town.
This causes the cities to grow and to be overcrowded. People migrate from countryside to town to find better life standard. They are in search for better jobs, vivid social life and run away from rural living. Unfortunately this causes the villages to be abandoned and be forgotten.
1) Hunting: People can over-hunt a species killing too many of them too fast.
2) Global warming: A place can get to hot for them to survive their anymore like coral reefs for example.
3) Destruction of habitats: This can leave animals defenseless and open to attack.
lightning fatalities more frequent today than as they were in the 1950s .
The frequency of lightning has significantly increased after the 1950s . This is because of global warming or the global rise in the temperature . As the temperature is increasing the chances for the formation of a thunderstorm is also increasing . That's why the more the thunderstorm, the more will be the lightening and the more will be the death fatalities.
According to the date, there is a 50% increase in the lightening in the last 30 years.