The three weakness of the treaty are as follows: The lack of the army within the league of nation, Italy and japan resentfulness of the treaty and the President Wilson's failure to get the congressional support.
The three major weakness of the treaty and their reasons are as follows, the shortage of army inside the nation which make them incapable for the league to hold the authority which can take proper decisions and can follow on those decisions. Unsatisfactorily of the Italy and Japan because they wanted more reward for going against the allied power at the time of World war I. To stop the united states from ratifying the treaty the congressional didn't supported the President.
We as citizens of the United States want to establish the Constitution of the of the United States of America with the purposes of; forming a perfect union within all the states, establishing justice and fairness for everyone, ensuring tranquility, providing defence and welfare for every single person, and lastly, securing liberty and prosperity for the entire nation.
Answer: Biodiversity.
Biodiversity is the totality of living organisms from all sources, terrestrial, marine and other ecosystems and all habitats to which they belong, including diversity within species, among species, and of all ecosystems.
Biodiversity is crucial for sustaining life on earth. Today, biodiversity faces many problems that can have catastrophic consequences, most notably garbage, increased infrastructure development, intensive agricultural practices and climate change.