That is definitely Okies, I did this literally yesterday. Plus it's in my book. Hope this helped! :)
American ships became targets of attack by 1917 because Americans continued to trade with the warring nations.
At that time, the american vowed that we adopt a non-interventionist policy during the war time. But when we continue to trade with warring nations, other nations viewed it as we supplying materials and supplies to one of the nations that involved in the war. This is why american ships became targets of attack.
In order to avoid problems with the Native Americans, the federal governments decided to gradually assimilate the native population into the American society.
There were multiple actions taken to accomplish the assimilation.
The Native Americans were granted all the rights as the other people, which enabled them to constantly communicate with everyone else, to get familiar with the culture, and get exposed to the culture, eventually accepting it.
Also, all the Native American children were obliged to visit school and get educated. The education was on English language, and the children were mixing from early age with children of the other ethnic groups, thus becoming Americanized from very early age.
They were allowed and motivated to work in the places were everyone else was working, which led to further assimilation, as the majority of the people were not Native Americans, so in order to fit in they had to merge into their culture.